Sweet Memories


I love when friends from Fayetteville (AR) High School dig through their photo albums and scan them on to the world-wide web for all our extended worlds to view! Seriously! I wish I had a scanner; I would spend hours to blow up my Facebook with memorial albums! Soon enough.

For now- a blast from the past via a good friend:

Share your memorable moments from days gone by. Best days of your life, Regrettable days, or Happy days but Living in happiER days? *COMMENTS*

About as Jules is going

Julie Rothacher is a missionary currently serving in central Arkansas, with her husband of 10 years, as youth ministers. She and Matt have 4 children, Magdalene (6years), Isabella (5years), Benjamin (4year), and Elizabeth (1year). God is leading Julie and her family on fun adventures. She is new to blogging but loves sharing what God is doing in her life which include but are not limited to the simple silliness of every day quirkiness that happens around her home with 4 under 6, a hilarious husband, and their newest endeavors: homeschooling and CHURCH PLANTING!

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