Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thank You!


God has blessed me so much in the past 9 months with the opportunity to vent, share, encourage, or just blog out into this space we call the Internet. I just wanted to say I’m thankful for You! Yep, YOU!!!

Thank you for reading!

 Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for participating.

Thank you for praying.

Thank you for just clicking round and going on this journey with me!!!

How was your thanksgiving? Please share! I love hearing from your side of the net ;o)

Oh, Happy Day!


Confessions of an undignified Christ Follower:

What do your Sunday usually look like? I know ours are jam-packed and tiring most weeks. Are your’s? Is it worth it?

*learn more about where we are and what going on by reading my older post: “What am I “called” to do?”

They have the same birthdays AND anniversary???


This post is for my amazing parents!

Today is their birthdayS {and I do mean both of them}!!! And if that’s not crazy enough, it’s their anniversary as well! Yep, they got married ON their 20th birthday! Can anyone say CAKE – a wedding cake AND 2 birthday cakes!

HAPPY 50th Birthday AND Congrats on your 30th Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Praying for many more. 


HIPPY Community


Our HIPPY Community 2011!
{Learn more about HIPPY or find one in your community HERE.}

As a Christian, one of my concerns with homeschooling was the “homeschoolers are weirdos” argument. CRAZINESS, right! Or was it… Learning to love ‘as we are going’! Christ called us to love Him and Others. Simple. If we seem weird because we do that then oh well. We also plan to interact with Christians and non-Christians; homeschool groups are no exceptions. I mean we don’t stop shopping at Wal-Mart because we’re not owed by Christians and aren’t solely employing Christians. We are called to be in the world just not Of the world.
Maggie is only 3 and therefore most homeschool groups don’t consider us “homeschooling” yet and have few to no activities for her age group. So we are using the local HIPPY group as our “homeschool group” for now and using the next 2 years before kindergarten to soak up as much as I can about homeschooling and groups/coops!

“Your child will not become a social misfit. Children do not need to be socialized in a large group of same-age children to become well-adjusted socially. Quite the opposite. Most parents want their children to learn their social graces from adults, not other children. Homeschoolers have healthy relationships with people of all ages, including the new mother next door, the retired couple who loves to garden, their friends at ballet, 4-H and Karate and, most important, their parents.” – 10 Most Important Things You need to know about Homeschooling


What are your thoughts on community? Anyone else doing HIPPY out there? Anyone in my area in a great homeschool group/coop?